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Sick of Your Reading Glasses? Come See Us For a New Option!

One of the biggest recent developments in the eye world has been the FDA approval of presbyopia correcting drops.

What is presbyopia you ask?  Presbyopia is the loss of near or reading vision – which comes with age, and which causes all of us to end up needing reading glasses.

We are all born with lenses that move, bend and flex as we focus on different items far and near our eyes. That muscle that flexes and bends, ages with time like the rest of our bodies and starts to lose elasticity. This results in the inability to focus on near objects.

Many of us know this feeling when we pass the age of 40 and start having to hold out menus or receipts far from our faces or increase the font size on our smartphones. We squint when reading our computers or phones and it gradually gets worse, especially in lowlight situations where we feel eye strain and headaches.

Readers or reading glasses help aid us in this. Unfortunately, even after LASIK corrects our distance vision, presbyopia puts us back into glasses. There have been some advancements like corneal inlays or special contact lenses that assist patients in ‘monovision’ or training the eyes to use one eye for near and one eye for far vision.

For years and years, the only ‘cure’ for presbyopia was reading glasses as the option for surgery or a ‘refractive lens exchange (RLE)’ was out of many people’s price range.

A new drop, pilocarpine, brand named ‘Vuity’ by Allergan was FDA approved in October of 2021 and made headlines as the first eye drop that can assist in correcting presbyopia. It is actually the first medication available to treat the condition of presbyopia.

Luckily, our doctors at Vision Source Shadow Creek in Pearland are skilled at the treatment of presbyopia and have had a ton of experience in all the treatments, including being some of the first to actually prescribe the new presbyopia correcting drops.

Dr. Dipak Kalani and Dr. Linda Haidar can go over all of them with you, as well as get you in a beautiful pair of reading glasses if that is the option you choose; we can even route you to the right surgeon that can get you further treatments like refractive lens exchange.

For more information on correcting your near or reading vision, or getting rid of your reading glasses, please call us at 713-436-7544 or visit to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kalani or Dr. Haidar today!