Back To School Eye Exams Have Begun! Get Yours ASAP!
We are so excited to follow up on our first back to school eye exam blog post and share about some great kiddos and their success!
Both of these patients failed their pediatric eye screenings and came to see our doctors at Vision Source Shadow Creek for their back to school eye exams!
Both patients got to pick out a pair of really cool, stylish frames from our optical and we are happy to report, they can both now see the board at school.
Our last post explains the importance of early eye exams and it is so important to re-stress here that 80% of LEARNING IS VISION!
If our kids need to SEE to LEARN, we need to make sure we are monitoring how well they see regularly. We are happy to help.
Please click on THIS LINK to schedule an appointment for your kiddos early on in the school year with one of our pediatric eye care specialists to make sure they are seeing up to speed!