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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Vision Source Family Eye Care the leading provider of vision care products and services in Pearland.

Dipak R. Kalani, O.D.

Dr. Kalani has lived in the Houston area for over 20 years. He graduated from Alief Elsik High School in 1994. Dr. Kalani earned a Bachelors of Science degree in Biology with a Minor in Psychology from the University of Houston in 1998. He then returned to the University of Houston and received his Doctor of Optometry degree from the University of Houston College of Optometry in 2002. Dr. Kalani is a licensed Therapeutic Optometrist and an Optometric Glaucoma Specialist. He practices full scope optometry including comprehensive eye examinations, diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases and eye infections, and has a s

pecial interest in contact lens fittings, LASIK and cataract co-management, and the diagnosis and co-management of glaucoma. Dr. Kalani’s practice philosophy is very patient oriented. He strives to help his patients feel comfortable with their eye exam by taking time to answer their questions and explaining their eye conditions. Dr. Kalani is married to Mili, his high school sweetheart. They moved to the beautiful Shadow Creek Ranch in 2003 when there were only three houses not 3000! They love the community and are very exicited to have their Family Eye Care office for their neighborhs. They are the proud parents of Rohan born December 2003 and Janvi born February 2007. Dr. Kalani enjoys spending time with his family and his interests include traveling, sports, and watching movies.

Linda Haidar, O.D.

Dr. Linda Haidar is originally from Southern California and earned her Bachelors of Science degree in Biology from the University of California, Irvine in 2005. She then went on to complete her Doctor of Optometry degree at the Southern California College of optometry and graduated in 2009. She recently moved from San Antonio to Houston where she had practiced for 5 years. Dr Haidar is a licensed therapeutic optometrist & Optometric glaucoma specialist. She practices full scope optometry including comprehensive exams, diagnosis & treatment of eye diseases, diabetic eye exams, and cataract & Lasik Co-management. She has a special interest in contact lens fitting, dry eye treatment & pediatric eye care. Dr Haidar is passionate about improving the eye health of her patients and ensuring they receive the highest level of care. With her professionalism and commitment, she strives to provide personalized care to every patient. Dr Haidar is married and is the proud mother of 3 handsome boys. In addition to spending quality time with her family, she enjoys traveling, biking and hiking.

Office Staff: Yvonne, Stephanie, Marisa, Xitlali, Alyssa, Liliana