Presbyopia: Having Trouble Seeing Up Close? Call Us For Options!
Having trouble seeing that menu? Have you found yourself increasing the size of the font on your iPhone to read your text messages.
You likely have PRESBYOPIA. Presbyopia is the natural aging of your natural lens you are born with; it loses elasticity and can’t focus like it used to, so you lose your reading or ‘up close’ vision. This is common and many patients resort to heading to the closest pharmacy for ‘reading glasses’ but so many of our patients want to hear the newest options to help resolve this!
Come visit the specialists at Vision Source Shadow Creek and we can lay out all of your options.
We can discuss the following exciting options to treat presbyopia with you!
- New Progressive Lenses: Progressive lenses help you to see all distances from up close to far away – so they work very similarly to traditional ‘bifocals’. However, since presbyopia is a common sign of aging, many of our patients at Vision Source are not looking forward to wearing traditional bifocals and they prefer to go the route of attractive progressive lenses
- Contacts: Many patients are able to adjust how their contact lenses are prescribed so they can use one eye for distance and one for reading; a great, non-surgical option that doesn’t include actual reading glasses! This is called Monovision and it usually involves your eye doctor doing a ‘trial’ to make sure it is for you. Many patients enjoy this route!
- Vuity Drops: Did you know that history was made this year with the approval of Vuity? Vuity is an eye drop that your eye doctor can prescribe to help treat your presbyopia! This was never an option before and has now joined the arsenal in the eye community to help treat presbyopia.
- Surgical options: There are always surgical options. There is Refractive Lens Exchange which is essentially a cataract surgery without the cataracts (your natural lens is swapped for an artificial lens or RLE – READ HERE for more information). Dr. Haidar and Dr. Kalani are happy to share what options may be recommended to you and even refer you to a great specialist in the Houston area that will take care of your presbyopia with a safe, surgical option.
So if you are having some trouble seeing up close, as mostly everyone starts to notice after age 40-ish, the best thing to do is to give us a call at 713-436-7544 or reach out to today to schedule your eye exam and be seen by our doctors here who can share all of the BEST options for your eyes!