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Does My Kid Need Glasses? Beat the Back to School Rush!

Does my kid need glasses?

We get this question from parents all the time.

1 in 4 children will return to school this year with an undiagnosed vision problem.

The craziest thing is the first time we realize our children may need glasses is usually due to a teacher informing us of this from school.
Vision issues are seldom detected at home.

You may think you know everything about that little baby you’ve raised and then you are blindsided by a call from a teacher one day where they say, ‘your son/daughter’ cannot see the board and should have an eye exam’.

The great news is, we’ve got you!  We do thorough vision checks on children every day and can determine their vision – from ages 4 and up.
We cannot stress the importance of an eye exam for any child of any age but definitely school aged kids. The longer we have them struggling or squinting at the board, the more advanced their myopia (nearsightedness) can become.

The one thing we want to focus on is stopping the progression of their myopia and with an early eye exam and early intervention, we can do just that.

It doesn’t hurt that we have a wide array of children’s glasses at our optical at Vision Source Shadow Creek, so even though kids may be scared or opposed to wearing glasses, we make them fun and have so many kid-friendly styles to choose from.

Call us or visit this link to schedule an appointment today and beat the back-to-school rush!